Transforming Health, Faith, and Community Together.

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Experience BIE Sessions in Valley City, ND

Bioenergetics is a non-invasive, drug-free modality that helps achieve balance in your body’s energy to reduce  common digestive, fatigue and seasonal ailments for healthier, happier families.

Stories of Faith and Truth.

Ashley is crafting a unique series where she interviews parents to create pre-teen books rooted in real-life experiences. Leveraging AI technology transparently, these stories transform into an engaging apologetic learning journey for children. This initiative comes at no cost to families, with book sales proceeds going towards Nadeau Ministries' operational and publishing expenses. We welcome donations to support this project.

“From the beginning, when I wasn’t getting answers from my regular NP for a few health concerns, I was introduced to Ashley Nadeau when I was having issues with candida overgrowth.

With her knowledge and background in a more natural way of helping heal our bodies, she gives an uplifting change to the normal hustle and bustle of caring for our health.”

— Arial

Try a BIE session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.